Diablo 2 median xl ultimative bow druid
Diablo 2 median xl ultimative bow druid

I'll get a screenie of that for next update. The Rogue hireling has developed this awesome mass-arrow weapon that shoots a hundred shots at once - completely burns through their hitpoints.

diablo 2 median xl ultimative bow druid

At least there's plenty of warning to get out of there. Got a close-medium range poison swarm, and a massive Meteor Barrage. I also noticed something - you can't buy potions!Īndariel was fun. That was the main danger - there were quite a few mobs that could swarm very quickly, and whittle down your health. No problems getting the Malus, and up to Andariel were simple enough. Still slowly developing my gold and weapon, and finding Barrage and Ghost arrow pretty good, albeit very mana intensive for Barrage. Fast, hard hitting, and could put you into recovery, or just outright kill you if you got swarmed. These Cog things in the Barracks/Jails were pretty dangerous. There is no guarentee of frequent updates (initially I expect a few, but they will diminish,) as she will start strong, and slow down as danger increases and re-running/farming becomes important.


I will update and hopefully provide some interesting screenshots to promote this great mod, and will allow her to develop as a character as she progresses. I would like some tips and experience as I progress, but no major spoilers unless I ask for them. She will have no strict ruleset, and have limited experience in the world of MedianXL. So, please, give welcome to Mitsuki, the MedianXL Hardcore Amazon.Īnd. Perhaps, if you place your bets right, you might win. I've participated in a few giveaways, and have enjoyed my time with D2. How far can Mitsuki progress? Place your bets! I have a solid HC 1.13d FAM stash available, am an old-school D2 player, and by all means, am willing to part with my items. This thread is to ask for tips from the Median veterans, advice on equipment and stats, and potential dangers. Even though deedz is 99.99%, I will still enjoy it, and would like to give Mitsuki all the chances she can have. I'm going to progress Mitsuki through MedianXL, Hardcore.

diablo 2 median xl ultimative bow druid

This thread is to encourage, assist, promote and entertain. And I want some involvement and encouragement. So, why create this thread if it'll just end in deedz? I would like some help and advice. For those who have played MedianXL ( ) by Brother Laz, you know what this means.: Deedz is a 99.99% guarentee. I've played MedianXL a little bit previously, and enjoyed it. Howdy all! Now, I'll be straight up: I haven't played D2 in a while, but I'm looking for a simlar, but very different game.

Diablo 2 median xl ultimative bow druid